
LynxMegaCorp 1343

A concept that I think could be fun and viable.

1) Reuse as many Shocks! + Shi.kyu + Subliminal as you can (or duplicates of Chairman to keep him safe) to gain an economic boost AND protect your Assets.

2) Install Chairman Hiro once cards are dumped into Archives, keeping him fairly safe from trashing.

3) By the same token, install and advance Ronin.

  • Chairman Hiro reduces hand size to 3, so running Archives to clear hidden cards becomes even riskier (and makes Shi.kyu cheaper for corp). Then, the moment the Runner keeps 2 or less cards, you can potentially Ronin them. Ice and Agendas are designed to keep net pressure on the runner.

I know this isn't a great write-up, but I'm half asleep and really wanted to get this idea on virtual paper. I know there are TONS of cards / directions this deck could adopt, but this one seems the simplest.


  • Low-trash Assets + ID
  • Melange to force Shi.kyu agenda penalties + rez ice
  • Reuse + Shock!, Chairman and Shi.kyu
  • Errand Boy to increase card draw during runs
  • Jackson Howard to return vital non-ambush cards from Archives to R&D
  • Subliminal Messaging provides hidden Archives fodder

Suggestions / comments are quite welcome!