Stop Hitting Yourself Mk. iii

Navelgazer 324

So I don't have a ton to say here. I've just been playing this on jNet a lot recently and having a ball.

In once sense, it's a basic crim good-stuff deck. In another sense, it doubles down on Leela's ability to wreck the corp's game-state. In a third sense, it's a hate-deck against the corp doing anything good for themselves. It's all pretty self-explanatory, but let's go through them.

  1. Good Stuff What are the best cards in Crim? Account Siphon, for sure. Even more quintessential, however, might be Inside Job. Now we have six of them, more or less, with the addition of Spear Phishing. Making money, making the corp poor, and getting around unrezed ICE are the foundation of good criminal activity.

But we've got more great econ tools! Temüjin, obviously, Desperado, Bank Job, Dirty Laundry, Sure Gamble, all keep you rich, mostly doing things you should be doing anyway, which are keeping tons of pressure on and making the corp afraid of where you'll hit next.

Breakers are also general Good Stuff. Corroder is an import, but an obvious one. It beats out Paperclip for influence reasons, but honestly, you'll use the breakers rarely enough that it pays for itself in lower install cost. Abagnale is solid and efficient. Mongoose makes it in over Lustig on essentially a coin-flip. In short: if they've got a sentry in front of R&D, you want Lustig, if in front of anywhere else, you want Mongoose. We're betting on the latter.

  1. Backing up Leela Gang Sign + HQ Interface are the big stars here. these all stack, for anyone who doesn't know. THESE WIN GAMES.

En Passant is an interesting import in that the general reaction to Inside Job and Spear Phishing are to just not rez the ICE (for obvious reasons.) En Passant gives you a couple shots at trashing their ICE (which is even more frustrating than tossing it back into their HQ.)

  1. Hate Stuff Beyond the Gang Sign, there's Aaron Marrón, who should also just count at classic crim Good Stuff already, giving you some goodies whenever the corp deigns to score. Beth Kilrain-Chang and Tapwrm take benefits from their wealth as they figure out how do deal with your constant aggression.

  2. Extras Same Old Thing and Deja Vu and Levy give some recursion. Drive By reminds them that bluffing won't work great for them. And The Turning Wheel puts the pressure on them once the board-state stalls.

For how to play this: I highly doubt I'm expert. I put the Temüjins on servers they don't want to bother protecting. I pressure central servers enough to keep them from being able to build them up too deeply. I avoid face-checking without a Mongoose out because Architect is really bad for this deck. And if pinned down from running at all, I draw for and build up my gang signs and HQIs. I've won on the Corp's turn a couple of times now thanks to those.