2nd Place Leuven Regionals: Anti-Dyper Moons


Nothing Special here. Just another Moon.

But my tech card was spend on Executive Boot Camp to combat the dyper players.

And it paid off. Sending the 2 dyper players home in the cut. Still sad that I don't get a credit from rezzing Vanilla with Executive Boot Camp.

This deck was undefeated whole day.

Thanks for the fun day, and awesome games.

7 Aug 2017 ryanbantwins

Booohooooo :p

7 Aug 2017 Slowriffs

Good job, death to dyper!

7 Aug 2017 Elodius

Gratz ! Best play: PV counter for EBC, install with AAL to rez something on R&D. 10/10 would suffer again !

7 Aug 2017 ryanbantwins

Yep he did the same BS against me :p I almost stole the game with some serious Brahman schenanigans, but he definitely deserved the win. But seriously f*ck EBC!

7 Aug 2017 clercqie

Hero of the day! A+ level tech <3

7 Aug 2017 Okkdoko

I'm gonna make another account just so I can like it again.

8 Aug 2017 Dazzler

How does EBC work against dyper ?

8 Aug 2017 Dazzler

Nevermind... Silly me. Great deck!!!

8 Aug 2017 magaruis

Let me guess , the Dyper players didn't have a Brahman or anything? @Elodius ?

9 Aug 2017 rotage

No to EBC, what I am meant to play now :)