NBN MN - Coffee is for Closers (Single System Core GNK)

saracenus 1067

This is the single system core 2019 deck I took to the Kitchen Table GNK at Game Rules in Portland, Oregon. I went 3-1 with it (dropping only my first round because of agenda flood and smart, aggressive play by Nicole piloting Leela).

This deck is a nostalgia trip for me as I piloted an NBN: MN deck to an 8th place finish at my first Netrunner Regional in 2013. I was the only NBN player to place.

Basic strategy is to setup taxing servers on centrals and make layered ETR on a single remote. If you don't flood early (my first game was this) you want to get Daily Business Show up and running so you can control what is being drawn. If you can get both out, even better.

Things I would change...

  • Drop Marilyn Campaign, sub in 1 Pad Campaign. Use the saved influence to get 1 more Caduceus.
  • Reversed Accounts did no work for me the entire tournament, you could drop it and put a 2nd Pad Campaign.
  • Drop Ice Wall for Eli 1.0. I was kicking myself for not doing this as the tax on Corroder is 4 vs. 1. If they click through that means the Snare! is potentially catastrophic if they wind up leaving a tag...

Don't take out Snare! It wins games against overly aggressive players and slows down the smarter ones.