Kidz Don't Play Wit' Too Many Knives (1st Bristol GNK)

Algebraic 909

Now with zero Knifed. The Laamb Surfer combo works really nicely for the deep dig with Severnius Stim Implant and you see the key parts incredibly quickly in Gnat. Scarcity of Resources is quite the stumbling block but you want to build up so you just have to accept the hit or, alternatively, add two Hacktivist Meeting and remove a Same Old Thing and either an Emptied Mind or a Severnius Stim Implant. Anyway, a bigger problem is Navi Mumbai City Grid so you just have to hope you see that before your opponent does although installing a second Laamb may help. Anyway getting this list out there before it gets swamped in all the lists added later today!

11 Sep 2018 JamesWinters

libaccs feel very superfluous

11 Sep 2018 JamesWinters

-3 Libaccs +2 Interdiction +1 Stimhack?

11 Sep 2018 Algebraic

I’ve found that money is very important especially for the first pass through the deck to get set up so having as much as possible makes everything faster. Superfluous cards can be gladly sacrificed for extra accesses in later passes so I wouldn’t personally feel happy cutting them all from the list. A Stimhack could be useful for early remote pressure although sadly it doesn’t work with Severnius Stim Implant which is why I didn’t include it initially.

23 Sep 2018 xWZRDx

@Algebraic This is very interesting. I have a few questions:

  1. Did you cut Inject and Retrieval Run for space I imagine?
  2. How does this play vs RP?
  3. How do you deal with MTI? They can pop the ID ability after you've moved pass the last ice so you can't surf it. Do you install the other Laamb?