Black Knight Games Store Champ 2015 Winning List (Jan. 25)

d1en 3431

I was feeling uninspired to make a Shaper deck to battle the current Lunar meta for a SC since O&C was right around the corner, so I chose a deck I saw fit the mold I wanted and tinkered 2 cards for my meta. Shout outs to the original creator:

My meta currently has been fueled by the idea of using Grail ICE, so I needed the flexibility to tutor the appropriate breaker to break in and survive, while giving a secondary option of Parasiting/Imping Grail ICE from RnD/HQ. I also needed something with sustainable economy, and I felt having Modded in a deck to install Hardware/Programs felt right. I love the idea of PPVP, but seeing spags suffer from draw order to lose a game felt chancey, so looking this deck's options made me choose this over all the other PPVP's.

Corp used for the day was scummy NEH seen here:

27 Jan 2015 akonnick

@d1en Appreciate the shout-out and congrats on the win. I see a lot fewer Scorch decks these days locally, but totally understand the Plascretes (I was packing them at Regionals). Since you played with 2 Kati Jones, did you ever wish you had played 3? I've debated cutting to 2 in my list, but never pulled the trigger, so am curious if you ever found yourself wishing you had a 3rd copy. Best of luck during the rest of tournament season.

27 Jan 2015 d1en

@akonnick I didn't ever wish I had 3. Your deck has good economy solutions alongside being Kate that mitigate the loss of money. The most interesting card in all this was actually Modded, and why I liked it alot was being able to install your RDI's for free with Kate's ability. I ran it with tempo and made sure I didn't blow my money on runs, utilizing a golden rule of a fellow friend "if it costs more than 4 to break in I don't do it".

27 Jan 2015 akonnick

@d1envery helpful. I agree that modded has been seriously overlooked for some reason. While clearly less versatile than sure gamble, it gives the same 4 clicks of value as long as you have enough targets in the deck to support it. Being able to throw down a free interface and run to see two cards is huge and I still haven't figured out why more kate/rdi players dismiss it. Anyway, thanks for the feedback and congrats again.

28 Jan 2015 moistloaf

what was your record for the tournament?

28 Jan 2015 d1en

@moistloaf 4-2, Wins against Nisei Division, RP, Tennin, and NEH. Lost against Grail IT Dept Foundry and FA HB:EtF.