Derez Nasir 1.1

roadtoad 26

This is a Nasir deck I've been having a lot of fun with. It occurred to me over the weekend that Nasir's rig has been bouncing around forever; we just didn't know it was his until now. The look on people's face when I open with Pipeline and they think "this idiot is playing Pipeline" almost makes the whole thing worthwhile. The amount of money Nasir can reroute to pay for his toys is amazing.

Basic strategy: get some stuff on the Workshop, facecheck for econ, profit. Remember that Order of Sol can trigger on each player's turn; profit from being poor. Spook the corp with all your facechecking.

mid-game strategy: get Kati loaded up so you can run already-rezzed ice. If they throw down ice walls in front of their Hadrian's Walls, well, you can spend all your real money boosting strength for later encounters, so that's not a huge concern. Shutdown & Crescentus make it so the corp is paying you to run their servers, while still having facedown ice.

late game: when game point rolls around, Stimhack for that last run or two.

problems: NAPD or a SanSan behind cheap unrezzed ice. Keep that bank on Kati for this situation. Run, get the rez, lose your bank, get a Kati delivery, run again and trash/steal.

1.1: removed 1-of Pawnshop, added 1x Inti to deal with the Ice Wall/Wraparound problem. Once you have the Battering Ram out, it won't matter, but sometimes you don't have enough cash to install Ram, but you can SMC out an Inti for $2 and then break the tiny barrier with its own money.