Mind Chess, Dawg

gumonshoe 2987

A solid variant on street chess that uses overmind & cerberus to get in places. Needs less money than the atman variant and uses trade-in to get some extra space for d4v1d for when you have to go against the big ice. Imp gives this thing a chance against remote decks, and against RP. E3 let's it play the longer game against sentries and other multisub ice.

The driving combo is the same. Scheherazade + Deep Red + PAWNS!

Running is much different, care a whole lot less about virus counters or central locking or blowing up ice. Most everything is disposable so that if you need overmind you can reset it.

You usually only extend rabbit hole once. Anything more tends to be a waste of cash. You can draw into E3 or the next rabbit hole or the extra deep red and use trade in to find the last piece.

Earthrise is the only thing I'm not sure about. It's solid in the early game to help you keep digging clicklessly, but it's freaking expensive and that can be hard to recover from.