Pawnshop Kate - Store Championships 20150125 Edition

#endgame 130

This deck is coming along nicely, but needs some more tweaking. Aim to install something for free each turn, and Aesop everything you don't need. With contacts, drawing, free-installing and selling a piece of junk is 4 creds and a card for 2 clicks - not bad. With Cache or Clone Chip you're getting 7 credits over two clicks (clone the Cache back on the corp's turn)!

Your mulligan condition is Aesops or Hostage, even over ProCon. You don't want to have empty Caches clogging up your rig while you're digging for the pawnshop. It also means that Earthrise Hotel becomes 4 cards for 1 credit (sell it just after you remove the second counter). The 1x Hostage was a recent change, and it's really been pulling its weight. Between clicks, Diesel and Earthrise you'll see a ProCon pretty quickly.

HQ Interface hasn't been great. I only drew it once during the tournament and never wanted to install it. Maybe it should be a Legwork, maybe it should be something else? This deck is so event-light that Donut Taganes becomes a possibility, but there's not enough operation usage on the corp side right now.

4 Feb 2015 moistloaf

Why not Scavenge over Modded?

4 Feb 2015 #endgame

Modded is always useful - free Lady or Interface, Mimic/Dagger as second install of the turn.

You're selling everything anyway, so there aren't many good Scavenge targets.