Pawnshop Kate - Store Championships 20150207 Edition

#endgame 130

Came 6th at a ~28 person store championship.

I think this deck is nearly as good as it's going to get.

Your mulligan condition is Aesops or Hostage, even over ProCon. You don't want to have empty Caches clogging up your rig while you're digging for the pawnshop. It also means that Earthrise Hotel becomes 4 cards for 1 credit (sell it just after you remove the second counter).

You need to sell things REALLY AGGRESSIVELY to succeed. If you're not hitting your Aesop's trigger nearly every turn you'll tend to run out of puff. There's a lot of redundancy.

Imp did a lot of work on the day, but I don't think it's quite what I need. The deck is currently weak in the following areas:

  • Setting up (particularly finding a killer).
  • Hitting HQ hard lategame

But it has a pretty good midgame and can keep up a reasonable amount of pressure. Inti is frustrating to use, and the 1x Parasite isn't enough to clear out Wraparounds with an empty Lady.

One change I'm definitely going to make is Keymaster->Refractor #3. I've never needed to pump Keymaster beyond Refractor's base strength.

Other changes I'm considering:

  • Faster setup, faster killer: -1 Imp, -2 SMC; +1 Parasite, +1 Mimic, +1 Paricia. SMC never fits into the rig very well, and Paricia gives some tech against asset spam. If not needed, it's more Aesop's fodder.
  • Sneakdoor surprise: -1 Imp, -2 SMC; +1 Sneakdoor Beta, +2 Scavenge. Gives a response to currents and a way to deal with things like Caprice on HQ. The deck putters out a bit when the two dogs are empty, so the Scavenge should give them some more life. Or getting more out of a Cache before selling.

It might be worth considering a Net Celebrity in here somewhere - several corp currents (notably ELP, Manhunt, Cerebral Static) give this deck a bad day.

The missing breaker problem is a bit of a pest. Perhaps switching to an Atman rig is the way to alleviate that?

There's not much in O&C that's compelling, but maybe cramming in 1-2 of Day Job would be neat - it's hard for this deck to surge credits. The spoiled SanSan cards don't look great for it either.