Run like 3 MaxX (1st, Auckland FTW Store Championship)

Fjord 1799

Here's a version of RegAss MaxX I've taken to a couple Store Championships

KoC Store Championship (20 players)

  • 4-0 Swiss (HB Foundry, Constellation Weyland, NEH Butcher Shop, Tennin)
  • 0-1 Top 4 elimination (Blue Sun)

Did some slight tuning to that version

  • -1 Kati Jones
  • -1 Legwork
  • -1 Same Old Thing
  • +1 Imp
  • +1 Scavenge
  • +1 Dirty Laundry

Took it to a smaller SC (along with most of the top 8 from the larger tournament).

FTW Store Championship (9 Players)

  • 3-1 Swiss (Jinteki PE, Nisei, NEH Grail, ETF)
  • 2-0 Top 4 Elimination (ETF, ETF)

Fairly happy with the changes. Loss was to a NEH Grail which this version is somewhat tuned for. Imp is really one of the best reasons to go Anarch, especially with Grimoire. It provides HQ pressure (didn't miss Legwork), disrupts flatline or combo plans and is the perfect econ card against remote tax decks. It becomes whatever you need in the matchup.

6 Apr 2015 Chron

Really like this version, Atman seems like a great include.

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