Pancakes for the Poor - Madison Regional - Almost Swiss 3rd

gumonshoe 2987

See the other deck I posted from this tourney to find out why I was outside the top 16. Getting swept after going 7-3 on the day just sucks.

About the deck. It's just good stuff. There are very few tricks here, but I think I might change that on a second build. I based this off of another Val build, but I'm no stranger to val decks.


-- Deja Vu; It's not that this is a bad card, it was just never useful in any of my games. I often lost it to net ready eyes installs.

--Progenetor: This was supposed to help get that medium onto the table with my memory issues. But, I don't think that ever happened. Had a data sucker on it once, that was fine. Can't see running this as a 1 of in the future.

-- D4v1d, I never installed this, but I probably should have in the last round.

Things that surprised me:

-- Knight. I know this is a good card, I've played it before. But the number of times it saved my but was unbelievable to me. Card seriously pulled weight.

-- Clubbin with Pancakes, I knew this was good, but I didn't know how good. Never go out to the club without your cast iron pan. Lesson learned. I talked it up as a joke pre-tournament, but I'm a convert.

Places to Improve -- Memory, 3x desperado with no additional memory is tough. I might lose a desperado to gain some other economy options that cost influence and possibly go for another progenitor or a memstrips (gasp).

-- Installing stuff out of the gate. Sometimes the money works out perfectly and this deck sings. But modded would be very good for this deck. Desperado/Yog/Mimic all love it, and a late game medium will not complain. Alternatively, career fair would have been about the same.

-- An atman. I think this deck wants an atman at 5/6 regularly. @spags whizzard build is correct in this. But for that you need the extra mem. I'd be willing to trade a desperado for this and maybe a net ready eyes for those two economy options.

-- Deja Vu should probably be a liberated account.

31 May 2015 gumonshoe

Deck underperformed in 2 games; it only lost 2 on the day. The first because I didn't see a mimic and the last because 5 strength code gates, great player, and bad decision making on my end.

You should be able to take this to a GNK and win.