Just-In-Time v1.1

cassafrass 3

My take on Hayley is that it's not enough to use her ability by installing things with clicks during your turn; you want to be able to install things mid-run or during your opponent's turn, for cheap, and recycle them with Aesop when you don't need them, to be able to keep up your tempo and score when the corp thought they had a window. Sadly, though my first Hayley deck was a stealth deck, this is somewhat at odds with stealth, so I've taken her in a completely different direction. Some of the more important cards:

  • Aesop's Pawnshop: this one is vital; most of the cards I can install I install for cheap (and often a net financial plus), and can be pawned at the beginning of my turn for a tempo boost if needed. Cards that synergize well with this (Daily Casts in particular) are great.

  • Scheherazade: be Kate, but better! Just, uh. Don't get your programs trashed, and make sure to have Paricia or SMC installed if you're loading it up and you think your opponent's running Power Shutdown. Or don't load it up and only use it for...

  • Cache: this is probably my favorite card in the deck. I'd wanted to do a Gamble for Days econ for a while, and this was a great opportunity for it. If you have one in your grip, you can SMC something out mid-run then install it from your grip (ideally onto Scheherazade!) to offset some of the cost; if you have it in your deck or heap, you can SMC/clone chip it out to let you tutor something from your grip mid-run and again offset the cost (though spending a clone chip on Cache isn't always a good decision).

  • Parasite: I only run 1x because I'm tight on influence, but it's great, as we all know, and it works wonders in a Hayley deck. SMC it out at the end of the corp turn to trash a pesky NEXT Silver and also install something useful from your grip; SMC it out during an R&D run to parasucker something more annoying to death and also get out your...

  • Medium: this is usually how I win games. Medium dig, medium dig, medium dig! And with Cache, installing it can be less of a tempo hit, or if you're already wealthy you can install it with a piece of your rig.

  • Personal Workshop: an obvious include; get drip econ (hey look, you're Kate but more versatile!), install it for cheap with one of your other many resources, install cards on it on your opponent's turn to trigger your ability more often. Win-win-win, as they say.

  • Professional Contacts: you need card draw. You are going to be drawing a LOT of cards, and this makes it less of a tempo hit. A no-brainer to include in a Hayley deck.

  • Corroder: Lady can't be your only fracter. You need clone chips for parasite & caches, not installing a four-credit card over and over. I hate spending the influence on it, but it's necessary.

  • Escher: I love this card. I used to be running Nerve Agent, but I cut it for corroder and wanted some HQ pressure, so I added this in. It also synergizes great with Medium; if your opponent has just a pup & pop-up window on HQ, but something nastier on R&D, Escher them, Parasite the crappy ice that's now on R&D, and enjoy your three clicks of medium digging.

Those are the most important pieces; aside from that I think the decisions are somewhat self-evident. Get your breakers out when you need them, save Atman for either the winning Medium dig or to get through something nasty like Archer (not really room for Sharpshooter, I don't think), save those sucker tokens, trash your opponent's ice, win win win. I ran Zu.13 for a while, but I will defend Gordian Blade to the death: 1-cost programs & hardware are actually somewhat annoying in this deck, since they can trigger your ability off Personal Workshop when you're not actually ready to install from grip, and so you can leave this up and let it tick down until you need it. Plus you're probably just putting Cyber Cypher on R&D anyway. Zu.13 is sorry answer to RP when you really need to get into that remote covered by Lotus Field and Tollbooth and you've already made a strength 7 Atman for Susanoo.

20 Jul 2015 sruman

Given the number of program installs, I think Sahasrara would work really well over the course of a game. Might be sacrilege but I would consider cutting the 2 personal workshops and 1 plascrete for 3 Sahasrara even (and you can sell the 2nd and 3rd ones to Aesop's for net-3 credits) given that you'll use the Sahasrara credits almost every turn until rig is fully setup (and even after that for clone-chipping caches or post-levy). Depending on your meta, 2 plascretes seem like over kill for a deck capable of making solid econ. PW vs. rara is a close choice, but I think you'd probably end up gaining more credits from rara given the number of programs vs. hardware. The main downside being not able to use ability on opponents turn via ra-ra (although still can with SMCs and clone chips).

20 Jul 2015 cassafrass

Hmm, interesting! I've definitely thought about how I could include Sahasrara in this deck, but never thought of replacing PW before. It's probably worth some playtesting, but my intuition is that it wouldn't work, for a few reasons:

  • First, the two Plascretes are necessary. Given how popular Butcher Shop and various other meat damage builds are, I want to make sure I draw one as soon as possible in those matchups. It's mostly a dead card otherwise, but sometimes I'll put it on PW just to tick down and eventually get pawned.

  • This deck is extremely tight on memory. It's already kind of tough to get everything out that I need at once, and adding in three more programs will just exacerbate that.

  • Personal Workshop is my only unlimited source of click-free installs, so as long as I have something hosted on it, I can get anything out of my hand that I might need mid-run. I love how this keeps the corp guessing. It's also slightly more versatile, working on either programs or hardware (not that I have much in the way of hardware).

Anyway, that's my rough take on it. The advantages of Sahasrara, of course, are that it can speed up setup times, its obvious synergy with Cache, and that you can pawn extra copies easily. If you try it out at all I'm curious how it works!

20 Jul 2015 sruman

You are correct about how tight memory can get. I ended up switching akamatsu's for cyber solutions and that gives plenty but at the obvious additional 6 credits to install 2 (although usually can get by with 1 for most games). Personal Workshop is definitely a good card in a Hayley deck but not sure it's click-free per say since clicking to install there. It does, however, let you gain the click on the corp's turn as long as you can keep the cash and cards flowing to do that.