Thug Life Leela

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I'm Confiscating This...This Too v1.0
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Passive Aggression (6-2 Worlds)
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d23 383

9-3 between the Pasadena Regional and Nationals at GenCon

Obvious stuff:

More subtle stuff:

  • Logos - 6 card hand size vs Butchershop. Draw 1 extra card in hand to defend vs flatline following Breaking News or Posted Bounty. Perfect tutor, timed to coincide with Leela's ability to bounce unrezzed ice, specially if Gang Sign snowballs her powers.
  • Hacktivist Meeting - Even more pressure on an already ravaged HQ, while slowing down asset econ and upgrade offense, increasing the effectiveness of Drive By.
  • Utopia Shard - Great for knocking key components out of HQ, amplifying the effectiveness of Hacktivists, and great for trashing those pesky items Leela just bounced.
  • Lawyer Up - Card draw is critical for this deck's effectiveness; this is just another tool in the box next to Logos, Visage, and Spec Order. Hopefully you grab it early; mid to late game you want to float those tags to try to get the corp to waste precious clicks and creds trashing resources you no longer need.


  • Unregistered S&W '35 - If the corp honey badgers their upgrades past the Hacktivists to avoid Drive Bys, Leela just goes thug life on them and shoots them herself.
  • Muertos Gang Member - Great early game! Run, derez, run again. Super strong against Blue Sun… think Oversight. More synergy with Hacktivists than you might expect. And emergency card draw if you need a extra card or two to survive payback.
5 Aug 2015 d23
Obvious stuff: [Gang Sign](/en/card/08067) + HQ Interface - Punishes HQ . [Drive By](/en/card/08064) - Forces the Corp to rez upgrades early, or risk losing them. [Symmetrical Visage](/en/card/08009) - Always be drawing! You're Leela, you can play with pacing. More subtle stuff: [Logos](/en/card/05037) - 6 card handsome vs Butchershop. Draw 1 extra card in hand to defend vs flatline following Breaking News or Posted Bounty. Perfect tutor, timed to coincide with Leela's ability to bounce unrezzed ice, specially if Gang Sign snowballs her powers. [Hacktivist Meeting](/en/card/08021) - Even more pressure on an already ravaged HQ, while slowing down asset econ and upgrade offense, increasing the effectiveness of Drive By. [Utopia Shard](/en/card/06100) - Great for knocking key components out of HQ, amplifying the effectiveness of Hacktivists, and great for trashing those pesky items Leela just bounced. [Lawyer Up](/en/card/04063) - Card draw is critical for this deck's effectiveness; this is just another tool in the box next to Logos, Visage, and Spec Order. Hopefully you grab it early; mid to late game you want to float those tags to try to get the corp to waste precious clicks and creds trashing resources you no longer need. LOLWUT?: [Unregistered S&W '35](/en/card/05039) - If the corp honey badgers their upgrades past the Hacktivists to avoid Drive Bys, Leela just goes thug life on them and shoots them herself. [Muertos Gang Member](/en/card/08068) - Great early game! Run, derez, run again. Super strong against Blue Sun… think Oversight. More synergy with Hacktivists than you might expect. And emergency card draw if you need a extra card or two to survive payback.
5 Aug 2015 Lorgar

If you intend to play a card in the early game, play it 3 times. But the MGM is it not worth IMO. Better play a third Fearie. You have problems with high sentries, What is your plan against Archer, Ichi 2.0 or Susan?

Think about Emergency Shutdown. It works quite well with your Sneakdoor.

5 Aug 2015 d23

@Lorgar The MGM was a specific call against things like SanSan, Oversight AI, Archer, etc. I played ES in this first and ended up switching.

As it happens, Leela is really good at not allowing the corp to have more than 1 rezzed card in the table at once.

Once this deck got going it tended to be so incredibly aggressive amd wealthy, that my opponents weren't able to keep expensive ice on the table.

6 Aug 2015 hi_impact

Muertos Gang Member is better than both Crescentus and Emergency Shutdown by a long shot early game against all manner of Corps except maybe Breaker Bay HB, and there's no need to mention its drawbacks as a trashable resource because going tagme in this meta is suicide.

6 Aug 2015 hi_impact

This deck looks like exactly what I've been envisioning with Hacktivist and Driveby and S&W control. All the cards are there.

6 Aug 2015 d23

@hi_impact Nobody seems to believe me about the Muertos gang till I use it against them. I've been dying to make this deck for ages too, but it has totally exceeded all my expectations.

7 Aug 2015 Huafen

Rule question, Is the "Trash: Draw card" ability of MGM considered as uninstall ? Or other words, when does it allow the Corp to rez a card for free ?

Nice deck, have tried Gang sign but other two cards, I have only played against. Not nice to let your caprice die to Drive by !

7 Aug 2015 d23

@Huafen Yeah, the second that MGM is trashed, the corp rezzes for free. I usually only use that ability when there's no unrezzed ice on the board, preferably with a Hactivist active.

20 Aug 2015 Wookieeofdoom

How does this deck do money-wise?

20 Aug 2015 d23

@Wookieeofdoom, there's definitely a ramp up. It can start fairly humble sometimes, but in most games there is a point at which there are 32+ credits on the table between her pool, Daily Casts, and Kati. More often than not, she floats around 6-14 until it's time to unleash a siphon storm; then I start running out of credit tokens.

31 Aug 2015 iceqs

was looking for this deck since I had one incomplete version of it. Thumbs up!

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