Starter Kit

CodeMarvelous 20014

21 Oct 2015 sruman

Looks solid and I have tried a similar build. Personally, I would:

  • change Professional Contacts to symmetric. Maybe -3 pro-co, +1 symmetric, +1 quality time, +1 scavenge. I think you need the scavenge to get Yog onto dinosaurus cheaply afterYog has already been installed. I think only Hayley can maximize pro-co enough (especially if also packing kati jones) to overcome tempo hit and shy away from duplicate unique cards if can.

  • 3 Yog + 3 SMC's seems excessive. Perhaps -1 Yog, for ... not sure. Be really good to find an influence for clot, but inf. always the problem with Kit (why FFG, why?)

21 Oct 2015 CodeMarvelous

I agree I feel like 12 influence would have made her a lot more competitive

22 Oct 2015 sruman

My hope is that as the card pool grows, there becomes a critical mass of great shaper cards, that spending the extra 5 influence would only be marginally worth it. However, I guess other factions also will be getting great cards, so might always be stuck lamenting that influence.