Seattle Phoenix Comics and Games 3/8/2014 SC 1st place runnr

talking_chicken 429

This deck pseudo-won one of the Seattle SCs (14 entrants) yesterday. I only say pseudo because I would have had to play Andrew Veen (2nd at worlds) in the finals but he conceded to give more players first round byes at regionals since he already had one. He beat me proper in Swiss rounds, but at least one of the games felt close to me (my corp game I was one turn away from winning).

Anyway, it's a fairly standard Professional Anarch deck. There's one copy of each of the anarch core breakers, datasuckers and tools to still get you into servers before you can get the full suite out. Nothing that stands out too much otherwise.

9 Mar 2014 talking_chicken

I just realized I published the wrong list. Not sure if there's a way to delete it, so I'll just list the changes here:

-2 Infiltration +1 Tinkering +1 Professional Contacts