Daily Temple Museum (1st Place, Carta Magica Ottawa SC)

lopert 1618

20 Players, 5 Rounds, Cut to Top4

4-1 in Swiss versus 4 Whizzards and 1 Kate. The 1 loss was to Kate.

2-0 in Elim versus the same Gabe twice (UB finals and 1st match of the finals).

My runner was Noise.


This is actually a glacier deck with the ability to ride the astro-train should the mood arise. Install, Cred, Cred / Install, Install, Cred, are the majority of your turns. Always make sure you have enough to rez a Tollbooth or two after you FA (aka, Don't over extend!).

Card Choices:


Pretty standard. Of note is the face there are only 10 in a 54 card deck, there are 6 3/2s to FA / NA, and the runner must steal 4 of them to win.


Mumba Temple is so strong. It's hard to not get at least 4 credits worth of value out of this card, even if the runner trashes it as soon as it has been rezzed. DBS, PADs, SanSanCityGrids, and ICE at a reduced cost makes this deck sing. The runner must trash this ASAP.

Museum of History is OK. I mostly included it as a way to handle Noise, but never played that matchup during the day. Against other runners, you can stick it behind a single taxing ice (ex: Archangel) and just put back whatever is most needed (usually trashed Mumba Temples).

Team Sponsorship is a leftover from the 49 card version of this deck. While the idea is that you can get some cheeky wins one turn earlier, and recur your Temples if they've been ransacked, in practice, I found this didn't happen too often. I would instead spend the INF on a 3rd SanSanCityGrid.

EBC is a meta call. We have strong Leela and Val / Blackmail players, and so having the option of rezzing things without a run is important. As a bonus value, if runners are simply sitting back and building, not wanting to run to give you that Mumba-Temple-ICE-rez-value-cash-money-TM, you can do it yourself! If you are not down with this or have no pressing needs to rez your ICE in an alternative fashion, I would go with Crisium Grid in this slot.


Caprice Nisei is amazing. Play her wherever the runner wants to go and you'll be fine. It's a 1x, so it may be difficult to find at times, but the 3x DBS makes this easier. If you want to go faster, you could swap this to a biotic, but I ran into enough clot triple sac construct shapers at Worlds 2015 that I wanted a way to have a fighting chance in the remote once the runner was setup.

1x CVS. While the deck performed fine during the day, I do feel like this is one or two CVS too little. I played a test game with Dien and he quickly obliterated all my defenses with a double sucker setup and just farming my archives. CVS in archives is amazing for stopping the sucker farm, which in turn protects your ice against para/sucker assaults. I would definitely find room for a second, and maybe third CVS. Possible cuts are DBS #3, DBS #2, and maybe LC #3?


Pretty standard, nothing to see here.


Wraparound. The "Triple Wrap Attack" is excellent Faust hate and gear check. Play this to test if they have their d4 or not. Once they do, this still taxes a counter.

Archangel. I am still not sure why people aren't playing 3x of this ICE. 4 credits (I mean 2 or 0, thanks Temple!) for either 3 Faust Cards, a D4 counter, or 6 credits is nothing short of amazing. If you hit it in R&D, I'm probably going to trigger it to put your Medium back in your hand. Sure, the runner can break it, but to have the option is always good! It also shines really well on a remote, either as a single taxing piece for your NA game or in front of ETR!

Enigma. The big issue I found to my whole ice suite was that it was actually very weak to recurring d4's. I wanted something that would actually force Faust as well, with a bit of a facecheck oomph.

Tollbooth. Pretty standard expensive ice to get through. Made possible by the Temple funding program. Rezzing it for 6 or 4, and having the runner get -3'd is pretty good value.

Architect. Always have to keep the runner honest on facechecking, and Architect remains the king of that in these must trash asset spam decks. 3 cards to Faust and untrashable.

Assassin. The traces are high, the Faust cost is high, the d4 counter cost is high. And you can kill them if they get too sassy.

And that's the list! Shoutout to @semaphores for being relentless in his belief in Mumba Temple and for being a Museum of History hater.

22 Feb 2016 sruman

Congrats on the wins. How do you find the Whizzard match-up (reg-ass or dumblefork ) ?

22 Feb 2016 lopert

@sruman I think Whizzard is definitely the hardest matchup for this deck, but I managed to win all my games against him on the day. They only have so many D4vid counters and don't usually make enough money to be able to pay for archangel / assassin / tollbooth on centrals consistently. With a Wrap -> Archangel remote, you can just spam thing NA style behind and eventually stick something good.

22 Feb 2016 rumirumirumirumi

I've been thinking about taking a deck like this to SCs this season but was not 100% behind the builds I had seen around. I'm glad to see success from a very different build, it gives me the impression there's a lot of wiggle room for teching/tuning the deck.

Congrats on the win! Any thoughts on Encryption Protocol or Hostile Infrastructure, since those find their way into decks like this?

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