Chameleon at instant speed is good

rickymags 14

This is the deck that won me the Standish, ME SC. It was a workhorse and only dropped 1 game all day, going 5-1 overall. The game it lost was on the last turn after going to time (would have been a timed win as it was 6-4 me but they bioticed a GFI behind a caprice that was advanced once).

Having never played this deck prior to the SC I was a little worried about the memory so that is the reason for the NetChip. After having played it all day I think I only used the mem space once and the rest got eaten by aesops. I think I would take out all three to play 1 more Astrolabe, a Artist Colony, and a Scavenge.

This deck makes so much money. Basically everything you spend comes back to you through Scheherazade or Technical Writer. Put everything on Personal Workshop for instant speed programs and hardware. Have fun with all the Shaper tricks! If you ever get in a bad spot just Levy it all back and start over.

This is a variation on Chameleon Hayley: