Astronaut Training Centre

Scoogsy 85

At Jemison, we believe in the best. We train our pilots right from the ground up, starting at our family friendly Space Camp facility for all our budding Baby Cosmos (short for cosmonauts as we call the little tackers), all the way up to our advanced flight training facilities where experienced pilots will learn advanced techniques like the Oberth maneuver.

This Jemison deck is pretty straight forward. F/A all the way.

Getting an early Hostile Takeover scored really helps to then get your Oberth Protocol rezzed. Oberth helps to either F/A Atlas'es, or if you manage to get them out behind an Ice Wall early, you can of course over advance, which really gets the deck moving.

Wait until you've got your High-Risk investment in hand, then tutor up your Biotic. From there, install on Oberth, rez and sac your Hostile, then use biotic to score it.

Red Planet of course means all that advancable ice comes in quite handy.

Your worst enemy of course, is Clot lock, which is frankly devastating. Double CVS is there to help turn that off if needed.

Clones are here, to remove Employee Strikes which also hamper things, but can of course be worked around with Hostiles as well. Of course, if you can slow advance a Hostile with Clones out early, you've got a 2 pointer which is always nice.

Space Camps work well just as bait, or a cheeky runner boosting up data suckers and Aumakua's from the running the bin.

Hortums deal with Aumakua, and Priority Constructions get your scoring remote locked up hard, while boosting a RPC score.

Generally, this deck is just plain solid.