Shaper ICE Management V2

iMetal 12

4 Jul 2014 GammaCodeX

Do you need Plascrete Carapace? Don't you find it annoying to have to keep the Levy AR Lab Access in hand instead of in heap? Especialy against pointy jinteki decks it could be dangerous to drop it id think. I like the sneakdoor and paricia is an interesting addition that never made it to my list, but has been considered a lot. Workshop is cool but a bit anti-synergistic with kate.

4 Jul 2014 iMetal

without plascrete carapace i easily will be killed with 2x scorched earth. your right about levy but i dont find the space to add same old thing. i use the Workshop for multiple reasons: 1. to get expensive cards like femme fatale in play over time 2. to install programms when encountering ICE or before i get Access to cards 3. i can use bad pub credits while running to install programs. most times i can use kates ability before i install something from the Workshop.

4 Jul 2014 iMetal

Deck Build V3 (final version?):