Hello, Everyone, welcome to "Netrunner Cards That Have Been Rebooted!" @TheBigBoy has made this great reboot project that rebalances the cards. You can check out his website here: sites.google.com (The cardpool is only up to D&D because mumbad and later is mostly broken. He makes his own packs that select cards from those packs.) Noise is overpowered. @Thebigboy has made a wise choice of nerfing him to 10 influence.


You can see the nerfed version here. (You will have to click on the link. You can see other changed cards there too.)

I hope you all take a look at this great project.




This card can be used in a pointless combo.

Use this card to gain the money and lose a click.

Use Joshua B. to gain the click back again.

Use New Angeles City Hall to pay the money you got from hard at work to avoid the tag from Josh.

Try it out!


Hello, Jeeves Model Bioroids but not for purges...............................................................................................................................................................................................................


Wage Workers doesn't work with purges (as you say), but also not with double/triple operations.

It claims I wrote this review. I never wrote this. Did someone hack into my account?

This card, like VRcation, is a card in system gateway that makes you lose a . to get rid of this problem, you can use it as your last click to avoid this. the only problem with doing this is that you won't be able to use the 5 this turn. because this usually won't be a problem, I don't care.

My rating for this card: 10/10. this is a very helpful card.

Additional tactic: play this and lose the , and play Sure Gamble to go from 1 to 9 ! definitely worth 3 . At least to me.


Or, instead of getting money with "wizard larry", creative commission into sure gamble for p r o f i t

This card is helpful for getting past ice. suppose you're having bad luck, only getting decoder icebreakers for example, and the ice you want to get past is barrier. attach this to that ice and worry over. now that the ice is considered barrier, code gate, ad sentry. now you can use that icebreaker t get through! if you're dealing with an ice that has one subroutine, you can combo this with Quetzal: Free Spirit to automatically go right past it, assuming it's your first run this turn.