Daily Business Show

Daily Business Show 2[credit]

Asset: Cast
Trash: 4
Influence: 1

[interrupt] → The first time each turn you would draw any number of cards, increase the number of cards you will draw by 1. When you draw those cards, add 1 of them to the bottom of R&D.

Lead the market, never follow it.
Illustrated by David Lei
Decklists with this card

System Update 2021 (su21)

#63 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2023-03-25

    Are the abilities of multiple rezzed Daily Business Show assets cumulative?

    Yes, each of the interrupt abilities will increase the number of draws for the first draw by 1 each. The ‘when you draw those’ abilities will then also each separately cause you to add 1 card to the bottom of R&D.


I'm testing two of these in NEH Astrobiotics in place of 1 Fast Track and 1 Marked Accounts. Smoothing draws is always good, and it's even better because on turns when you're able to capitalize it, it doubles your chances of drawing an Astro. There is also some minor synergy - if you draw from the NEH ability on the runner's turn, via Architect, you get to use Daily Business Show then too.

(All That Remains era)
Architect states "look at the top 5 cards", you don't draw them. shouldn't trigger if I'm not mistaken —
Architect also lets you install cards. If you do so and create a new server, it triggers NEH's ability on the runner's turn, which triggers Daily Business Show. —

Now that rotation is looming, this card might be a contender for decks that wish to avoid flooding their hand with any particular type of card. Jackson is gone, so we are no longer going to be able to recycle our archives to R&D as easily or frequently. The idea with this card is that you do not draw extra cards that you cannot use. You just get to select which card you are going to draw. It provides selection and you will find out that this is what you are looking for most of the time.

This effect is deceptively powerful. Because you now get to choose which of the top two to draw, you will more frequently draw the card you need now and not have surplus cards rotting in your hand like ice you cannot play, agendas you cannot score, or a combo of operations and/or assets that you do not have the time for currently. This effect is however not perfect, because you will occasionally draw two cards that you want both copies of.

There are also three small bonuses that are less well-known: This card breaks R&D lock if there is no multi-access in place. And: Because you will cycle faster through your deck, you do not need to include as many copies of a card as before in order to retain the same amount of access to that card. This frees up deck space. Finally, as stated by jrp: This effect triggers on both turns, so you can really get your value if you also draw a card on the runner's turn (Eli 2.0, Errand Boy, Tapestry, Advanced Concept Hopper...).

(Crimson Dust era)

A cheaper Mr. Li for the corp that ensures you get the cards you want in your hand, and maybe the agendas that you can't afford to install, defend and/or score out of hand for awhile or at least until you accidentally shuffle with Jackson.

A must trash for the runner early on, otherwise the corp can dictate his board state a lot more than you can. Other than that, the only real counter to this is Showing Off in the upcoming O&C but that's a situational card that you may not have deck space for.

(The Source era)

When is comes to cards that are good with any deck, Daily Business Show is among the top. First, at one influence, you can use it anywhere.

Second, this is like The Class Act for runner, but stackable. For each one you have one the board, you can make better and better choice. You do not want that agenda? Put it at the bottom. You needed econ rather than ice? Choose econ. If you have 3 on the board, you get to pick the best of 4 cards! That is completely bonkers!

And at 4 to trash, most runners will not bother. So you can put it naked on the board.

Litteraly every deck is better with this. But of course, slots in a deck are finites and you must make choices.

The art is evocative, as is the quote. A good card all around.

(Uprising era)