Ari world tree gacha

dolmant 25

I really like the efficiency of world tree. It does everything. Fetches breakers, discounts cards, instant money with Coal, draw with earthrise and it even fetches hardware.

Problem 1 is if you build a deck around it then you really need to draw it early for it to catapult your deck into the midgame. Problem 2 is you need to run every turn to get all this value and you bet the corp is going to ice everything up immediately.

Problem 1 is solved by not putting any 'tech' or 'situational' cards in the deck. Those cards are usually not run because they are bad and you dont need them. Run only good cards so if you dont get world tree your deck still functions. No need for three DZMZ or bad cards like telework when we cant even fit 3 creative commission in.

Problem 2 we solve with Ari since entangler gets through pretty much anything, just keep running until the corp rezzes something that is not a barrier and enjoy your value. Ari lets you ensure the entangler only goes on something relevant and synergizes well with tree as any program you install like Muse or Coal that would usually be trashed can be instead world tree'd away for extra value. This is one of the easiest ways apart from trojans to turn Ari's ability directly into an extra click. Sometimes it's two clicks when you install muse into entangler and then swap your muse for a cleaver. Other runners losing the game to sentry facechecks? Skip that drafter with entangler for pennies, fetch your breaker at a discount and see a card from HQ all in one click!

Gachapon is here as an extra copy of world tree or as a panic button. If you draw it later turn it into Maw or any other hardware when you get a moment. Aesops will often end up trashing 2-3 things and becomes a click for 6 credits which isnt amazing but is a good rate. Environmental testing is great in this deck as well but gotta get the deck down to 45 cards somehow.

You can swap Gachapon and aesops for some pinholes and miss bones and your deck will probably be better overall, especially into asset spam and holoman. So you should do that probably.

Mulligan for money. You will find an entangler or world tree pretty quick, but to get things going you need cash. Your ideal hand is sure gamble, world tree, coal and muse.

You dont have a lot of spare MU, dont feel bad about not getting full value from a kyban or muse. If you need to trash programs, do it and fetch them back in the late game with muse or simulchip.

Be careful you dont run out of money in the late game. This deck will generally run out of world tree targets pretty fast and you dont have a lot of money in the deck. You will need to get good ol DJ out and start recycling if the game looks like it'll go longer.