Silhouette's Aquarium

HyveMynd 57

The basic idea is to load up Aumakua with virus tokens thanks to Silhouette's expose ability. As I'll be running HQ often to trigger the ID's ability, HQ Interfaces and The Gauntlet lets me access more cards on those runs. Lampreys drain the Corp with each HQ run, and Pheromones makes it easier to get into the server. Sacrificial Constructs keep the suckerfish on the table after a virus purge.

I'm looking to rush the Corp into playing out agendas before they're ready by threatening HQ multi-access so often.

I've played two games so far, both against Jinteki: Personal Evolution, and the deck has done fairly well. I am thinking about swapping out the Sacrificial Constructs for Festers, as my opponent purged virus counters a lot last game, really hurting my Aumakua, and slowing down my access.