Open Borders

LastTriceratops 51

Okay now - this one's half decent. In testing on, it's been fairly successful - basically it only loses when the breakers and/or Wyldside fail to show up and the corp can push out a bunch of agendas behind one or two pieces of ice. Otherwise, it seems surprisingly strong, and just takes a quick hop around a lot of common issues. Some commenters on the previous version of the deck noted that Lotus Field presents an issue - and while it could, yes, I have yet to have it make a significant difference in a game. I played an RP that ran 2 Lotus fields - on their scoring remote and on HQ - and I won handily by medium digging R&D. With Medium, Nerve Agent, and Political Operative, there's always an option once you get your rig set up. Any thoughts on that rig set up though would be helpful...