Tax 3D

satanthresher 10

Alright, I'll write a short description as well now that the deck is public in case anyone cares. I'll first go ahead and point out that I'm probably not a very good player nor a very good deck builder.

I made this deck because I wanted to try something that cuts clicks from the runner. First version was an NBN deck, which was terrible but the first version of this deck was working ok. At first I was running 3 x Victoria Jenkins and 3 x Jackson Howard but MWL ruined that so now I've been trying to get it working with that.

Basically the idea, as you may have guessed already, is to try to get Victoria Jenkins and Enhanced Login Protocol out with Ruhr Valley and Strongbox messing things up so that the runner has very difficult time running anywhere click-wise. Encryption Protocol raises the trash cost of Victoria Jenkins but also the trash cost of Adonis/Eve Campaigns.

The latest change was -3 Tech Startup +1 Will-o'-the-Wisp, +1 Crisium Grid +1 Heimdall 1.0 and I have to say the deck still doesn't work anywhere near as well as it did before MWL. I did try running 3 x Future Is Now so I can manually get Victoria Jenkins out whenever I want and that worked to get her out but the additional number of agendas also got rid of the Enhanced Login Protocol more often than I liked.

Still trying to get this working somehow! Will-o'-the-Wisp is so trivial that I'll get rid of it but not quite sure if there's any effective way to replace those missing Victoria Jenkinses really.