MCA Click Austerity Policy

KoRayven 138

Main idea is to recur MCA Austerity Policy as often as possible. MCA clamps down on the Runner while functioning as a win con. The rest of the deck is there to make sure it stays online as often as possible. ELP makes trying to trash it more painful and if behind an early Turing or Eli, nearly impossible. Border Control's there to ETR run events when they pop up. HHN to stop certain runners dead in their tracks when combo'ed with MCAAP. A couple Archived Memories are there to recur MCAAP and other combo pieces. Raman Rai pulls a surprising amount of weight here, often being another Archived Memories that also requires you to run to trash it though once the Runner gets wise to the ploy they tend to make it a priority target. Its inefficiency is offset by its sheer versatility in making the Runner significantly more inefficient than the Corp, i.e. recurring Border Control, ELP, money cards, MCAAP. Rest are either money cards or cards to limit runs. Vitruvius is chosen over other, probably more practical, 4/2's for the same reason Seidr is chosen over Sportsmetal: to recur MCAAP even more.

Not a lot of wins but mostly due to my inexperience with the deck and HB in general than any issue I find with the deck itself. Probably oppressive and unfun though.

9 Jan 2019 Cooker

Are you sure you want to use Seidr for this deck? You already have an awful lot of recursion and the only things that can trigger your ability are Eli 1.0, Fairchild 3.0 and Turing, and if you are using Enhanced Login Protocol or MCAAP, they won't even have enough clicks to get through Fairchild 3.0 and Turing, so it would just be Eli 1.0. Also, what are you using Hard Hitting News for? A runner might not waste the turn clearing clicks against HB, especially if they have seen that you spent a lot of influence already on Raman Rai and Border Control, so you probably won't have Boom! or High Profile Target. I do like the idea of Load Testing. I might try that out in my bioroid heavy deck... I have lost games because they had just free clicks (and credits) to get through my ice.

10 Jan 2019 KoRayven

If I'm reading the timing structure of runs right it has one more very important card it can fire off of: Ikawah Project. The run doesn't end until after the access step so spending a click to steal Ikawah lets Seidr fire. It can only fire maybe once or twice in a game but the tempo gain from just one clean Ikawah-Seidr fire can be well worth it.

HHN is part bluff, part resource wipe. There are a few key Resources I want to nix on sight: Beth, drip econ, PolOp, the rare Emptied Mind. Load Testing/MCAAP into HHN often guarantees a favorable board when it fires. It's not ideal but if they want resources they'll want to clear tags which costs clicks this deck is already clamping down on. I've tried Asa and Sportsmetal; Asa was clunky and butt heads with Jinja while Sportsmetal felt underwhelming with just 7 agenda.

10 Jan 2019 Cooker

Oh that's a very good point. I didn't think about using Ikawah like that. I always just hope they don't have enough clicks to steal it :)