Achievement Unlocked: Kate

CodGod 12

This deck was created to be able to (hopefully) earn the remaining runner achievements for the New Lynn league:

Access 5+ cards from HQ or R&D in a single turn: Interfaces + makers eye, Interfaces + demo run, then run again, Interfaces/Makers Eye + Showing off on second run.

Start the turn with 4+ link: Toolbox, Dyson Mem chips, Kate's natural 1 link.

Win while having one of each breaker out: If games goes long, should be able to draw into and/or tutor all three, but this is probably the one I'm most likely to fail.

Strategy is to get set up with Underworld Contacts & Data Folding as early Economy ASAP. Draw aggressively for these and the mem chips that tur them on. Test runs are to Tutor for breakers, and will be great with Overmind if I can get in with the counters that turn, then re-install next turn. Try to establish R&D lock and win from there. High link should help against most tagging strategies.