Strive for perfection v.2

Magnetic 124

FIrst try to make my Runner deck, here are cards what I realy like and want to include, and maybe there is some other what I dont know even and would be nice to include to this. We need to cut 7 cards and maybe add somethings and again cut. I hope someone help me to improve it.

11 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

cut aurora, cyber cypher, 1 infiltration, zu and makers eye

put in 2x crypsis, 1 gordian blade, 2 R&D interface. I don't run forged orders since everyone runs cheap ice anyway, i'd drop 2 of those and put in another corroder, hopefully that isn't 16 inf.

11 Feb 2014 Watzlav

Your deck has no drawing power. I'm not sure how crucial that is with criminals, but I guess having Mr.Li or John Masanori would not hurt. They're both great cards.