419 Jeitinho

Nagnazul 178

Plan A: slow the game way down to give you time to find, install and score your 3 Jeintinho.

Play B: Play a regular criminal game, economically dominating the corp and endlessly camping the remote with bypass tricks.

Jeitinho's biggest weakness is that it needs time. You simply can't rush Jeitinho - you need to draw at least a dozen cards to find all three copies, then you need to install the three copies, spending three clicks and three credits installing them (That's three cards, three credits and almost a full turn installing cards that do absolutely nothing to help you! They're not econ, they don't help you with ice, and they don't protect you from getting killed).

THEN you need to be able to get through the ice that the corp has inevitably placed on centrals (if the corp hasn't iced centrals, you have bigger problems: you're most likely going to hit a snare and die), you need good tools to get through ice, AND you need money to support those tools. At this point it's turn 7, and your opponent has either assembled their combo or scored enough agenda points to close out the game in short order.

Jeitinho needs more time.

This deck has a lot of ways to gain that time. First off, 419 is a significant credit tax - the corp has to choose between hemorrhaging valuable information (what they're installing) or losing a credit a turn. Either one helps you.

Your biggest, most potent tool is Diversion of Funds. You have no shortage of ways to land it (Boomerang, Botulus, Physarum) and landing it for full value can set the opponent back massively. If you have Jeitinho on the table when your turn starts, you can DoF with clicks 1 and 2, then run R&D and Archives immediately while the Corp is unable to rez anything at 0 credits.

Landing DoF is good for you in obvious (and less obvious) ways. It lets your Daily Casts tick down, it gives you extra turns of draw with Earthrise/Class Act, extra time to charge Aumakua, more money from Fermenter, more tokens on Botulus. The more the game is slowed to a crawl, the better things are.

It's likely your opponent will want to purge at some point - after all, you have so many juicy viruses. This is a tightrope you have to walk - be smart about your Aumakua counters and Fermenters - but getting the Corp to skip their turning by purging often plays in your favor. Just don't make their play obvious by installing a Physarum without immediately using it.

Once you get into the midgame, if the Corp has rezzed a good amount of ice on centrals, your gameplan is Exploit. You can get an Exploit AND a Jeitinho in a single turn with good planning, and your 5 bypass events can help you land that. If you've been pressuring them economically, Exploit should be backbreaking - giving you a window to score your Jeintinho, or at least solidify your economic advantage. You do want the corp to rez SOME ice so you can Exploit it, so give them a reason to rez by making some value runs here and there.

Asmund is obviously there to help find your Jeintinho, but also acts as a decent toolbox card. He can get you econ, breakers or Jeintinho - Fermenter is such a good card, you'll almost always want to get a copy with your Asmund.

Important: this deck doesn't HAVE to win on Jeintinho. Class Act gives you card filtering - if you steal some points early with an Inside Job or a lucky access on centrals, it's probably going to be a lot easier to win on points, and wasting time with Jeintinho is likely to result in you losing that lead. Bottom the Jeintinhos with your Class Act draw and just play a normal criminal deck. You don't have multi-access, so your plan is Econ Denial and camping the remote.