Queen of the Cold Gluttony

LynxMegaCorp 1343

Use Reina's ability combined with Ice destruction to whittle down servers.

Public Terminal to fuel Runs. Eater to compliment Run Effects.

Deep Red + Chess Pieces to target difficult ice (Knight for Lotus or Architect, Bishop to enhance Parasite destruction, Rook for 'face checking'.)

The idea is that chess pieces can potentially force or make ice trashing necessary to get rid of them. Clone Chip and Pawn help return those chess pieces. Since servers should be kept at a minimal size, pawn is easy to use.

Its obvious that Eater and the utensils are perfect for each other.

This deck is clearly made for 1 run per turn (maximize Reina's ability, profit from PT.)

Play a game of Chess and Destruction, won't you?

Just a rough draft. Suggestions and comments are quite appreciated!