Deckbuilding Derezzed - Ep 17 - Half Foods w Hollis

CodeMarvelous 20021

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In episode 17 I am joined by Hollis of Bad Publicity and The Winning Agenda. Check out his work!

Watch us go over the build HERE

9 Apr 2016 coffeeyay

I've been playing a very similar build for a while. Have you tried running 3 Komainu? I was very hesitant to make the switch, but I found it was an extreme work-horse ice. It has now replaced Assassin and swordsman for me and allows me to go D4vid proof by removing Crick and using 1x yagura 2x wall of static. Wall of Static has been another surprisingly solid value ice in testing. Also I live by 3x Batty, it's just so good and I always want another--it flat out wins games while almost never being dead.

Lastly, have you tried running a 9 agenda suite? I drop Fast Track and instead run 3x Corp Sales 3x Nisei 1x NAPD 2x TFP. I found this switch made my deck run much more quickly and smoothly. Corp Sales team is an awesome agenda to push through in tentative scoring windows. I found the increase in quality density of agendas was worth the slightly less defense and higher chance of floods. To me Fast Track is just too slow since it makes 4/2s take 5 clicks to score effectively--I'd rather just draw Corp Sales Team directly and gain a click of tempo (which can be immediately used to score the agenda through defensive upgrade or ICE install). Similarly, I've removed 2x Celeb Gift in favor of Subliminal Messaging because I hate the tempo loss of the celeb gift 2 clicks and the fact that it's dead whenever I'm trying to score agendas. The econ of Sublim isn't massive (though it does add up in many matchups to good to great efficiency) but it's with no tempo loss which has been crucial in going even faster.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the episode. Thanks Hollis--was great to hear your insight on a deck type I've been working hard on independently. Was cool to have come to many of the same conclusions as yours in testing. I've moved down to 2x Palana due to your reasoning--you're right that it's great but the second (and third!) copies are dead draws. It was a bit of a pet card so I don't think I would have made the change independently :)

9 Apr 2016 CodeMarvelous

@coffeeyay thats definitely some good feedback, I make some test plays and see how it works for me