Don't Be Sunny

Friff14 584

This deck generally wins most games against people who aren't playing Sunny. Nobody expects this deck, and even when they do, it's just too taxing.

It's a revamp of my old deck called NBN: Engineering the Future, with which I won a local league, going 7-1, if I recall correctly. Could have been 6-2.

Anyway, trace ice are taxing. They're especially taxing compared to their cost. D&D just added to that. Assassin and Archangel are fantastic and horrendously taxing.

The goal isn't always to end the run. It's just to make it too expensive to get in twice. Just like most glacier builds. Ash + Making News = BFFs. Red Herrings and Ash make for a brutal server that they'll have to run 3 times or pay a hundred million credits to beat.

Once I realized that most of my ice were tracers, Improved Tracers went straight in. I might just swap them out for another 2-pointer or a BN and a 15 Minutes.

The ice is just mean. Troll is the best ice NBN has.