World Noise 2014 6th place Swiss 10th place Finals

Pikenchu 126

Only Noise in top 16 at World Championship 2014

-Kenjy Jap

11 Nov 2014 Pikenchu

After a few changes the night before the tournament, this was the deck that I finally brought to the scene with. I enjoyed the wyldside/inject combo because it really shuffles through the deck and grabs cards that makes Noise strong. Especially with the meta being fast advance you can't just be sitting there and allow that to happen.

You will see me bring Noise to future tournaments so if you are a Noise fan and you are looking for help or have any tips or pointers to help me I'm always here.

11 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

Looks good...our match was the best I'd play all day. Not my noise vs your pe, but rather you noise vs my TWIY*

Nice finish

12 Nov 2014 Pikenchu

@x3r0h0urIt truly was! It was intense and anything could've happened. Fantastic game and great deck, kept me on edge and was I was rather confused on what it was trying to do until the very end. Hope we get to play some more again in the future!

12 Nov 2014 Kevoun

Heya Kenjy! With how much drawing power you have it seems like you could maybe drop a cyberfeeder or a sheherazade for more viruses, do you feel like you want to see both of those cards right off the bat? This coming from an admitted terrible Noise player hah.

13 Nov 2014 Pikenchu

@Kevoun Hey Kevin :D. You are right about dropping Cyberfeeders and Scheherazade. After playing those 7 rounds of swiss and finishing off with the double elimination rounds, I found myself holding them instead of playing them. I would replace them with maybe one more type of virus card but the other maybe for an econ card like Dirty Laundry or Daily Cast even. As much as it is ideal to use a Cyberfeeder to pay for Virus cards and putting it onto a Scheherazade, it isn't ideal. You aren't going to play a perfect game every game. But hey who am I complaining? It did the job hehe ^_^

13 Nov 2014 Ajar

I also played Noise at Worlds! I love Daily Casts with Pawnshop, and it's another nice thing to hit with Inject. That said, I also ran one Stimhack and that was amazing. No one expects it and it will win games.

16 Nov 2014 RogueNite

Are there any videos of your games up anywhere? I'd love to see this in action.

20 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

Hey Kenjy, have you posted your worlds corp deck anywhere?

20 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

I feel like I should tag @Pikenchu, just in case.

20 Nov 2014 Pikenchu

@RogueNite There aren't any games unfortunately but my friend does youtube videos of Netrunner games. His youtube is called T3 Productions and if he records any Noise matches of mine that would be the best place to go.

@DrunkenGineer I have not yet :/ I'm out of the country so I haven't had time to post a deceits of my Corp. When I get back I will post a decklist.

13 Jan 2015 weepinggorilla

Hey Kenjy, are there any videos of you piloting this deck at worlds or elsewhere? Would love to see this thing in action! Thanks