Survival of the richest

whirrun 129

Hello, this is a deck I thought I ought to publish as I've had a great time and a lot of success with it; and its a little bit different from other popular PE lists at the moment. This is mainly to do with the choice of agenda and the use of punitive counterstrike. In short it is incredible in with additional sources of damage, lots of money and cards which let you control how and where the corp accesses agendas. Jinteki can absolutely rock this with Mushin, TFP, Fetal, PE, Jackson and additional threats like Ronin. The deck is built to rush such that advancing agendas is a win/win for the corp, hence Medical Breakthrough to provide extra pressure and the opportunity to FA out at the end. It works, and you can certainly benefit from people assuming you are running the standard attritional list which the runner wants to go slow against.

Other than the key cards I've mentioned, the ice load-out and especially some of the influence is quite flexible and will probably not be optimized for your area. I'm not one for big write ups (I suck at typing) but an additional note is that the deck is not always easy to pilot and requires doing different things against different runners. Knowing the degenerate meta lists is your friend here. It's great fun, and I'd be honored for people to try it out give me their thoughts.