This is my attempt at a solid Keyhole build. I have tried to run it out of Anarch for a bit, but I realized that for Keyhole to work you need to be able to get into R&D consistently and efficiently. So you need to get the rig pieces you need out fast and have enough money to keep running. I went the Shaper route over crim because I like test run+scavenge for Fem and also only having to run 1 copy of Keyhole.
For econ, the build this is based off of used Magnum opus, and ran ZU.13 and Creeper as breakers to save memory. I didn't like that, so I chose resource economy because PPvP would need Lucky Find, which is a bit of influence. For MU boosting I run 3 akamatsu, as well as 1 spinal modem as another MU source as well as recurring creds to help out with money.
Basic idea is to start getting out the rig first, a lot of people won't see Keyhole coming and you don't want to bring it out to early. Face check early R&D ice, but keep pressure on HQ and remotes so all the ice doesn't pile on R&D. You don't want to wait too long to bring out Keyhole, or it will be too expensive to get in R&D, or FA will do its job and win before you can catch up. Legwork is there for when keyhole runs aren't seeing the agendas and you know they are building in HQ. Hades Shard is there to get around Jackson.
This is my first published deck, so any advice is welcome. I have been a big fan of Keyhole for awhile, and I really wanna make it work.