Stimshop sux

zwergonfire 20

My version of Stimshop CT with datasucker support for Femme, Earthrise for consistent drawing, and vamps for some HQ pressure.

19 Jul 2015 sruman

What about net-ready eyes as support Femme and Corroder? Seems like a good fit and can use a plascrete to soak the damage if you want. I see the synergy with stimhack but given the Test-run/scavenge potential what do you think of Torch over Study Guide?

20 Jul 2015 zwergonfire

Net ready eyes are cool, but money isn't that tight in this deck. I might run torch and Zu13 and drop the datasuckers. Also, I'm dropping the scavenges and oneven magnum opus for a garote and 3 clone chips. The problem I've had is getting breakers that I can use and being able to recur broken things. Plus the clone chips will help smc things out more quickly.