Alice Doesn't Like Nice Things

Jthrevenge 17

Annoyingly fat right now at 55 cards (110% min size)

The idea is to be highly disruptive, run-based, and fast.

--ID, En Passant, Hacktivist Meeting, Mining Accident, Run Amok, Wanton Destruction, Maw, Bhagat, Councilman, DDoS, and Imp are all there for destruction of some sort. (I wanted to focus on HQ destruction, but I was frustrated finding a consistent way of doing it [Clan Vengeance is there, Utopia Shard, and others exist] and I now see HQ disruption as more of a boon than focus).

--I've Had Worse, Inject, Making an Entrance, and John Masanori are there for card draw/sorting

--Day Job, Dirty Laundry, Daily Casts, Oracle May (With MaE), Supplier, Datasucker are there for econ

--RDI, eXer are multiaccess

For a while, I was toying with a Maw, Equivication, RNG Key combo but it seemed... Weird. Basically, a run on R&D turns into: 3C or 2 card draw, 1 HQ discard, and ideally 1 Fri. Chip virus and 1 Datasucker. The issue being that I have to draw into all of that, it still doesn't help me win directly, and it's vulnerable to R&D being ICE'd over. I guess I could bring in Gravedigger, too, but that just further encourages the Corp to purge (which I don't especially want).

I am still fixated on HQ annihilation. Between Alice's ability, Clan Vengeance, and Hacktivist Meeting it should be possible to make it so that the Corp will NOT be able to rez non-ice cards... Not sure if that's really necessary, however, if the Corp is kept broke...

I'll update after I play.

17 Jan 2019 Helios

Hard hitting news out of The Outfit will wreck this.