PTD's Credit-Wasting Making News

PTD 453

Deck used for Edinburgh BABW.

I got sick of all the criminals getting filthy rich with temujin so I put in a bunch of annoying things that simply give them plenty to waste their money on. Personally I just like to see how much I can install in a single remote.

It can do a decent job of keeping them poor but has been dying to Medium digs despite how prickly it looks. The games I have won I have tended to do heavy damage to the runners tempo before they work out what I am up to, or I have so many cards in a remote that they just refuse to go in and deal with it.

17 Sep 2016 unitled

What's your record for number of cards in a remote server?

17 Sep 2016 PTD

I'd say 4-5 is enough to get your point across but my record was 8, which included 2 agendas.

18 Sep 2016 FarCryFromHuman

You ever host one Full Immersion RecStudio on the other?

18 Sep 2016 PTD

Sadly no doubling down on Full Immersion RecStudio yet.

Interestingly I've never had someone actually access the cards on it, they always assume I am up to no good and pay to trash the entire thing. 9 times out of 10 it has just been an agenda.