Dinosage Rush (Aggro deck)

Trizzy613 142

This deck is pretty reckless because it thrives on heavy pressure early game.

The rig is quite simple: ultimately Sage + Creeper + e3 but you can always call on the help of faerie and parasite recursion.

The draw power is very high so in most cases you're pretty safe to get whatever burst econ or breaker fix you need early on.

Otherwise all you need to do is load up your hardware on personal workshop and stimhack away if need be..

5 Jan 2015 Fox Ex Machina

Why are you running Dyson Mem Chip over Akamatsu Mem Chip? I don't see the link being very useful in this deck, especially not for an extra two .

5 Jan 2015 sruman

I would assume it is for Creeper, as 1 Dyson Mem Chip is really 2 mem with Creeper in your rig (which you're definitely going to need).

The draw is definitely there, but I would still worry about:

  • Only 2 personal workshop -- they're great with stimhack and important to hold back Dinosarus until find Sage/Creeper to put on it.
  • Only 2 SMC

Ever played a Blue Sun with this? It appears that 1 curtain wall (or Hadrians until a few mem chips come online) can keep the the runner out for a long time, requiring 13 mem. equiv. to be in place (Creeper + Dino). Dino helps alot, cutting it to 9 but still need to find 2 mem chips + dino in time. Of course, at 11 for corroder break, a Curtain Wall can keep alot of runners effectively.

5 Jan 2015 hi_impact

I think the solution to Curtain Wall and other special ice is Femme.

6 Jan 2015 Fox Ex Machina

Right, Creeper. Heh. I feel foolish now.

6 Jan 2015 Lord_Reynardine

I played with this deck yesterday. I agree that personal workshop should go to three, I drew it really late, which cuts off stimhack for econ, as well as it's drip reduction in costs. I drew through the deck and was really poor throughout, because there's no long term econ. I appreciate the intention is aggro, but in my game at least, there was a lot of set up to do with the rig (dino, then sage, creeper, all 4+ creds, plus memory), which held my econ back, which slowed the setup etc... I was playing RP, which struck me as a tough match up.

I think there are good ideas in the deck, but it seems like the rig is somewhat counter to an aggro play style, which was borne out in my game. That said, I've not played a CT stimshop type deck, so it could be that I'm underestimating this setup when it works!

Thanks for the build, I enjoyed playing it, I'll let you know if I play it again, or if I come up with anything similar.

7 Jan 2015 pants on head

As long as BS is a thing, I feel like Sageasaurus builds should run a single D4v1d, as with the e3 and clone chips you are already running, it cheaply handles things like curtain wall and archer cheaply and repeatedly.