tag and ? 1.1

djackman 982

6 Jan 2015 lizmills

green level is sweet, but with the large number of slots for agendas, I'm worried RnD looks a little porous.
What do you think about going to 1 archived memories and 2 beale, lets you double play scorch or StM with just 1 copy in hand, potentially 4 ice rez off a breaking news, and deadly off an advanced BN.

7 Jan 2015 djackman

archived wont let you double STM, since STM is a double event, unfortunately.

More agendas does make R&D more porous, but having less trashables than normal helps to counter that. Also, the one pointers are more taxing, requiring more agendas to win, and the cheap taxing ice (troll, popup) on centrals makes multiple runs and scoring more agendas more costly. Also serves to turn on midseasons and archer, which is critical.

beale is...fine, but less good when you aren't running psycho, sansan, or biotic. napd, tgtbt, and bn have much better synergy with tag punishment.