Known Super Criminals, Still At Large (One Core Set)

capt_neb 34

Objective: Make money and successful runs at the same time.


Gabe's smart with money, Kate's an artist on the nets, Noise is motivated. All three strengths join up for this shady operation to brush aside ICE and plunder the Corp through every available opening.

The usual Criminal economy machine is here, but boosted by Magnum Opus. Toolbox and a couple Cyberfeeders ensure that money can be spent on offense, while defense is handled by Crash Space, Globalsec and Sacrificial Construct.

Icebreakers are strong, and Femme Fatale will help nudge you through some early forts. Toolbox and Akamatsu will ensure you've got enough memory for one of every program in the deck, keeping all your options open.

Use Stimhack to punch through forts in the late game for winning points, once you've exposed the asset with Infiltration or Lemuria Codecracker.

Any and all feedback welcome!

22 Feb 2017 Vivid Sauce

Gabe, Kate and Noise too! The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate!

23 Feb 2017 capt_neb

@Vivid SauceHaha nice, glad someone caught the reference :D

23 Feb 2017 H0tl1ne

I like the idea of equipping Gabe with the Toolbox instead of Desperado. If there is one faction able to ever install this monster, it's the Criminals.

I'd toss Magnum Opus though, in favor of Aesop's Pawnshop. You could sell all these nearly expired Bank Jobs and Armitage Codebustings to him for some solid, clickless profit, all while retaining precious memspace!

24 Feb 2017 capt_neb

@H0tl1neThat's a terrific idea. I'll give it a shot!