
Thike 1203

I've never played an Atman deck, and I wanted to give it a try. Rather than do the normal Shaper version, I thought I'd give an Anarch version a try, given that that's where most of the support comes from, and it's my preferred faction.

16 May 2014 WizardOfWinter

This is the first Atman deck I've been excited to try. Excellent build!

Interesting choice in console--it makes sense giving Anarch's lack of tutoring, and one that fits nicely with your one-of card choices. I think I'll be saving this. :)

16 May 2014 Thike

Thanks! I've heard a lot of positive things about Logos in Anarch, so this deck was going to be my test for that. It makes a lot of sense, really.

The only thing I'm worried about is card draw, but I won't have a chance to test this out until next week.

16 May 2014 Thike

Also, I'm pretty sure I meant to put Bishop in there instead of Rook. >.>