
Glitch 385

I've been tinkering with decks using Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar since she was spoiled, and have settled on this. It's your typical Stimshop style deck, but thrown into overdrive with Hayley's ability. Set up time is so much quicker, and results in more pressure on the corp.

The deck gets truly nutty when installing programs mid run/during the corp turn and triggering Hayley's ability (think of all of the potential Parasite shenanigans).

9 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

Sweet shaper ice destruction is back I am very excited

9 Mar 2015 Ventrikel

Question from a noob: what are some of the potential Parasite shenanigans?

9 Mar 2015 Glitch

@Ventrikel you can use SMC, Workshop and Clone Chip to install a program, such as Parasite, mid run/during the Corp's turn, which will then trigger Hayley's ability, which can allow you to install yet another Parasite from hand.

9 Mar 2015 Ventrikel

@Glitch that does seem pretty cool in general, but specifically for parasite - without tons of anarch cards, can you get more than a few -strength to their ice? From what I see, it actually takes quite a big combo to get something done with parasite mid-run however you do it: a card to install mid-run, two parasites (one in hand, one wherever you can install it from) and something to give them instant tokens. But I might be missing something obvious, I've barely played the game!

9 Mar 2015 saltytacopanda

If you're stack digging + stimshopping, why not Chameleon LLDS?

9 Mar 2015 Glitch

@Ventrikel you can use Datasucker tokens to reduce strength, or just throw it onto 0 strength taxing ice like Pup or Pop-up Window.

@saltytacopanda one of my original Hayley builds utilized Chameleon and LLDS Processor, but I found that it's just too clunky, and requires too much set up.

10 Mar 2015 Ventrikel

@Glitch oh, of course. Yeah that's cool :)