headbanging at duggar's v1

stimmyrobbins 118

Just for fun jank. I have been trying to make this deck work for a while now. Invariably you always get 1 origami early and box-e which puts you at 8 cards. Not enough for a full duggars with other cards in hand and some brain damage. The deck is called headbanging at duggar's because the one brain cage always fits in between somewhere and increases the handsize to enough that you can almost keep all the phone numbers you got at duggar's. Opening hand origami, Armitage, duggars, amped up and one trash card maybe a breaker lol. install origami, duggars first turn. Second turn amp then duggars. Hopefully, there's the brain cage and an origami in that pull. intall them and you are up to 11 hand size and you can keep all your cards. But if not keep partying at duggars and keep hand size pieces infiltration Raymond flnts and same old thing. I find that expose with Valencia is necessary as corps always lay traps for her. there are two other combos in the deck. 1. install investigative journalism, install Raymond flint. next turn install hq interface, amp and pop investigative. or you could install everything the turn before without amping giving it away fully. ha. combo 2; clone chip medium or same old thing mass install 2 mediums and false echo. run rd with blackmail bounce single ice most times but clone chip false echo back if two. then run two more times for 5 or 7 cards. if you calc correctly and left some cash for trashing you can make the most of those two runs. corp will ice up even with two ice if you didn't have to clone chip the turn before you could use them to get through both in a couple rounds when the corp has drawn the cards that you saw. In that case they wont purge and you could blackmail in to see a couple cards that you hadn't seen in the first runs. faust is obvious and you could remove something to put in e3. at the top end its a 19 card hand size. By that time you have acquired 4-5 brain damage. that means you can still duggars and keep everything in hand after the levy. beware of chronos project. hivemind, incubator, progenitor are all good alternates. Enjoy!

1 Aug 2015 stimmyrobbins

Haven't tested it but want to add one demo run.