Do you find your economy lacking? When I run bluesun I feel very little pressure between the oversight and bouncing Adonis.
I would cut the private contracts and perhaps add ElIzabeth Mills to counter the bad pub from fracking.
Do all these barriers work for you? I question using ice wall and hive. Having some cheap ice is always a good idea but ice wall does not have good synergy with blue sun. Maybe archer with your hostile takeovers?
Do you find your economy lacking? When I run bluesun I feel very little pressure between the oversight and bouncing Adonis.
I would cut the private contracts and perhaps add ElIzabeth Mills to counter the bad pub from fracking.
Do all these barriers work for you? I question using ice wall and hive. Having some cheap ice is always a good idea but ice wall does not have good synergy with blue sun. Maybe archer with your hostile takeovers?