All Roads Lead to Rome v 1.90

falseidol 436

Props to and @StingHP for the concept.

This is an EtfF deck I've been playing for a bit now it has some definite flaws that I'm still ironing out, but I'm fairly happy with it right now. I think HB Fast Advance is probably tier 1.5, but I also consider it a strong response to the current meta, and well piloted it definitely goes toe-to-toe with all the top runners.

The deck is pretty comfortable trying to rush agendas, and using those derelict remotes for economy/SSCG after then runner has their rig together, or you can play the deck like a pure Fast Advance build. You can even get away with just playing Netrunner, you have plenty of Hard ETR ICE you can install an agenda behind if the runner gives you a scoring window.

This, I would say, is its biggest strength over Astrobiotics, is that it adapts well against runners tech'd against Fast Advance--and additional ICE for handling ICE destruction decks that is always useful for running campaigns if you don't need it over centrals. EtF makes this ICE much less of an economic gamble, between your free credit and the odd ABT.

Its biggest weakness right now is that it doesn't always have a reliable way to score Efficiency Committee--leading to games that would have much preferred the more defensive NAPD. But a scored efficiency committee, in no uncertain terms, swings the game dramatically in your favor. All your Shipments from SanSan become Astro tokens, essentially, once its scored.

You can pretty much play your 3/1's to taste, but I like Gila Hands because you want them to be relevant early (unlike Bifrost, Director Haas and Chronos Project), because you're usually going to either rush it out or score it as your 7th point. Gila Hands gives you a pretty strong turn in conjunction with your ID ability while you're waiting for agendas/FA tools; though False Lead would be totally acceptable, hardening up your Bioroids in a pinch and helping to secure an Efficiency Committee score. The game is played to 4 agendas regardless of actual point values, so pick agendas with abilities relevant to your playstyle.

You'll probably want to diversify your ICE some if you play against a lot of Atman, but I don't seem to see her around too much right now, hence the brash indulgence in 4-strength ICE.

ASH can be used pretty much anywhere, you can put it in a remote if you built one, to help protect Adonis or SSCG, or just camp him in a central server as added protection. You might play Corporate Troubleshooter or Will-o-Wisp if eater/keyhole is giving you trouble, but an ASH in HQ turns off their siphon economy, so usually they flounder for cash long enough for you to get agendas scored, and putting your architects over R&D ensures they can't blow up all the ICE there. The other strong card to slot in is Cyberdex Virus Suite, because chakana spam and the incipient clot could pose trouble for you. I've had limited exposure to the chakana deck, so I can't say whether it poses a serious threat or not, but it definitely turns off a lot of this decks' tricks.