CTM Bankers (4th Place @ Total Escape)

CrimsonWraith 3638

My fourth place Corp deck at the 21-player Total Escape Games Store Championship in Broomfield, Colorado on February 18th, 2017. I went undefeated through Swiss to snag the top seed and my third cut this season (w/six different factions!), before proceeding to drop my first two games in the cut.

Was a really fun tournament for this side. I beat Andromeda (w/turn two Aaron), Whizzard (w/turn two Slums), and Gabe (after going down 0-6). My only loss was to Dyper Kate. I baited the Runner into using a DDoS on GFI and then prompted the combo early with a Beale on the table advanced 10 times, but ultimately lost on the Runner seeing 4 agendas in 5 Keyhole runs.

I don't think I've played this archetype since Worlds, and it was just an updated version of my Worlds deck. The deck's still quite good in a meta with little to no Whizzard around, although Aaron certainly makes the Criminal matchup more interesting. I figured I'd pull it out for my shot at a third plaque this year, but just whiffed on the elimination games. =)