Gagarin To Cost Ya

Fassbinder 59

Have you ever been to one of those steak restaurants where the main course looks like a great deal on the menu - something like "450g BLACK ANGUS FOR ONLY 12.99", but when you get the bill you find that you're on the hook for over $60?

I want to re-create that experience, IN SPACE! Who needs cosmic rays when you've got nickels and dimes raining down on that poor runner. A side of chips here, a valencia sauce there washed down with a hideously overpriced brewed-here-not-there european beer.

As for the deck itself, its a first draft. That's why there's 2's of everything because I haven't found out what works yet. For the record I hate Hostile Takeover here. Gagarin Deep Space has an NBN pedigree only with a big W and a green coat of paint on it.

I want more Reversed Accounts in here. You should always have some mystery about you.