Nasir Workshop v1.2

BTrain 2971

The idea behind this is to get Personal Workshop up and running as quickly as possible, and to use the Cyberfeeders, Omni-Drives and Toolbox to fuel your in-run economy. Kati rarely ever needs more than six credits on her to be effective since you're going to lose that money anyway. If you break beefy ice, trash Crecsentus to get those creds next time, and double them up if you can with Social Engineering.

The problem right now is that this deck plays slow, but Nasir is meant to be methodical. Main draw is through ProCo, but I threw in Diesels for that extra kick. The deck used to run Mopus which is why I kept the SMCs in, but I'm debating whether those can go in favor of test-run Scavenge since mid-run installs would need Sahasrara to benefit.